Welcome to Wild West Hangman. This is intended to be a fun and exciting way to learn spelling list or just spelling in general. Wild West Hangman requires system 7 to run chock full of sounds and 256 color graphics as well as animations. This game was created with Future Basic and PG PRO. I used to be a Hypercard programmer but found the speed restricting. This is my first program release done in Future Basic. There maybe some bugs and a few cosmentic problems. I have done my best to find them, but what would programming be without bugs (right). This is shareware if you like it and wish to keep it please send $10 to:
Dust Devil Software
c/o Mike Radosevich
Box 1 Daggett County Road #2605
Maybell, Co.
I can also be reached for comments, suggestions or bug reports by snail mail or e-mail (Mikerad) on America Online or (Dust Devil) on e-World. Upon registration you will be sent the newest version of Wild West Hangman.